Bloating, Ugh!
Who else steers clear from certain foods just because they make you bloated? Because we do. Bloating is uncomfortable. It makes us feel “blah”. We don’t want to wear tight clothes or stand too long when we’re bloated.
Well, you may be experiencing bloating because of perimenopause ...
Introducing… Magnesium! Otherwise known as The King of Minerals.
Now, not any nutrient can get this grandiose title.
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and plays several important roles in maintaining our health. For one, it aids in heart muscle contraction (providing a norm...
To snack or not to snack? That is the question.
Our grandmother used to always say “No snacking – it will ruin your appetite!”
Was she right?
Well, yes. And no.
Snacking 101
For the longest time, the prevailing nutritional advice was to eat five to six small meals a day, about every 2-3 hours. ...
A common trouble spot for women is belly fat. It seems that whatever we eat goes straight to the stomach. For some women, an expanding waistline is par for the course after menopause, when body fat tends to shift to the abdomen.
Although an increase in belly fat does make it hard to zip up your jea...
Now more than ever, it’s important to practice health guidelines and stay well. Rather than be caught unprepared, how about boosting your immune system before those nasty viruses enter your home or workplace.
Let’s take a look at our top ways to avoid any illness.
6 Easy Ways to Boost Immunity
Dining out is a part of our daily lifestyle. Americans eat out nearly one out of every four meals and snacks.
This can create a challenge if you are trying to maintain your weight. Unlike eating at home, the ability to control the type of ingredients or methods used in preparing, as well as porti...
Do you know the cute little Chia Pets that seem to pop up every year around the holiday time? Spread the seeds, water, and watch them grow “hair” over a few short weeks. The hair is actually the sprouts of the chia seed. Yes, they’re edible, though we aren’t sure we would want to eat the ones grown ...
The snack monster rears its ugly head every day around 3 p.m., and then again in the late evening. Can you relate? We have found that cravings usually fall into four categories: sweet, salty, crunchy, and creamy.
First, you have to be prepared.
Second, you have to try out some of our creations. T...
Whether you work out first thing in the morning or sometime later in the day, what you eat before your workout can have a major impact on your performance.
Until a few years ago, the overwhelming consensus among sports nutritionists and trainers was that...
A lot of people assume that all Nutritionists and Dietitians eat “perfect” diets all the time – that we’re only eating fruits and veggies and never eating anything fried or sweet. While it’s unrealistic to eat “perfectly” (and please define what a perfect diet actually is) 100% of the time, we encou...
Do you know how much we love this time of the year? There’s an abundance of amazing fruit from which to choose (we LOVE organic white nectarines!), which makes it so easy to eat the colors of the rainbow and fill up on all of those good-for-you antioxidants. The other great find right now until Octo...
It’s summer, and the temperature outside is more or less regularly over 90 degrees. Prime time for dehydration. If where you live also happens to be humid, then you’ve just moved into the dehydration fast lane. And for all of you who exercise outdoors – biking, running, hiking, boot camp – you’re ba...