Your On-the-Go Workout
Jul 16, 2016Summer is here and that means it’s time to travel. But don’t let a vacay derail your great exercise habits. It is possible to combine the workout and sightseeing by hitting the streets of a new city or taking it to the hills to explore the natural beauty that surrounds you. If your trip takes you to the shore, try long walks on the beach or swimming in the ocean or pool. You could also rent bikes or roller blades or chart a great running path to see more of wherever you may go.
If your vacation destination is not workout-friendly, then you’ll have to get creative. Bring along a resistance band (check out favorite bands on our Amazon Store), a jump rope, and your favorite music, in addition to your athletic shoes and create your own circuit in your hotel room. Try out our circuit and get those endorphins flowing.
Warm up for 5 minutes by jogging in place or jumping rope. Do each of the following exercises for one minute, with little rest in between. Repeat the circuit twice.
- Squat (stand on resistance band to make it harder)
- Push-up (on toes or knees)
- Walking lunges
- Triceps dip
- Overhead shoulder press (with band)
- Biceps curl (with band)
- 10-15 Burpees
- Plank
- Jump rope
If your hotel has a gym or offers passes to a local gym, take advantage of it. Make time for your workout and you’ll come home from your trip still rocking that bikini!