You know what sounds pretty good right now?
Bread 🍞
Really good tasting, moist, dense, good-down-to-your-bones bread. The kind you eat still warm with a little shmear of grass-fed butter, ghee, or your favorite nut or seed butter. But the bread also has to have personality. A flavor profile. A lit...
Did someone say pancakes?
Pull up a chair, because we’ve been making these pancakes NONSTOP for the past few days. Why? Well, they’re nutritious. And delicious. And easy to make.
Did we mention they’re nutritious? Gluten-, grain-, and dairy-free. High protein, healthy fats, high fiber, and low car...
Now that the beautiful summer weather is long gone, don’t let that derail your workouts. If the late sunrise, earlier sunset, and colder temperatures throw a wrench into your outdoor exercise routine, then it’s time to take your workout indoors.
Gym – Do you hav...
You know how much fun it is to eat cookie dough? It’s probably the highlight of making cookies from scratch.
The problem with most cookie dough recipes is that they contain eggs, which shouldn’t be consumed raw, unless you like gambling on salmonella.
So we created a cookie dough recipe that’s not...
You work out at least three days a week and watch what you eat, but the scale doesn’t budge and your clothes aren’t getting any looser. What’s wrong with this picture?
Your body is stuck in neutral and as a result, you aren’t seeing the results you desire. Well, it’s time to kick it into a higher g...
Ask yourself the following:
- Are you a mindful eater?
- Do you stop when it’s meal time and put away the phone, shut off the TV, and close out the email?
- Are you sitting at a table (versus driving in the car)?
Chances are, like most busy people, you don’t. Instead, we live in a world of go, go,...
If you don’t know it already, we are big fans of breakfast. Heck, we even wrote a Breakfast Cookbook! One of our top breakfast tips is to make sure to have protein and fat at breakfast because they are very satiating and slow to digest. This will keep your blood sugar and energy levels steady for mu...
So, you’ve finally decided to get on the weight training bandwagon. Good for you. You know that weight training will boost your metabolism, make it easier to lose weight, maintain lost weight, strengthen your bones, decrease belly fat, and give you a ROCKin’ hard body. But you’re confused. One train...
You’re in a fitness rut. You’ve been doing the same exercises and aren’t seeing the results you want. Time to SWITCH it up. Tweak your workout so you can burn more calories and fat!
Try out these five suggestions:
1. Workout first thing in the morning
There’s plenty of research showing that peopl...
You’re a mom, a sister, a daughter, a wife, a grandmother, a friend, a niece. You’re a woman. And by nature, you’re a nurturer. You like to make sure everyone is taken care of. Make sure everyone is healthy, happy, and well-fed. Make sure the lunches are packed, the clothes are washed, the Facebook ...
Blast Fat by Mixing it Up!
Should you do cardio first and then weights or weights first and then cardio? Which is better for blasting fat and improving your fitness level? There are plenty of personal trainers out there that will tell you that one is better than the other, but we suggest that there...
Summer is here and that means it’s time to travel. But don’t let a vacay derail your great exercise habits. It is possible to combine the workout and sightseeing by hitting the streets of a new city or taking it to the hills to explore the natural beauty that surrounds you. If your trip takes you to...